Our New Website - The Backstory

We’re excited to announce that BetterVu’s website is now totally refreshed and open for business.  It’s been a fun process of learning about the intricacies of search optimization and graphic design, and it’s given us another opportunity to move yet another core business element to a cloud platform (we really like Squarespace!)

Most importantly, it’s given us the opportunity to reflect on our strategy, what makes us tick, and what we want to get out of the website.  It’s an interesting story that we wanted to share.

First, strategy.  We’ve long believed that strategy is the art of defining what you are NOT going to do, and this exercise bore that out in spades.  First and foremost, we are a firm of experienced business consultants, with deep expertise in Performance Management: planning, forecasting, costing and profitability.  Our focus has always been on the linkage between operational and financial management – back to our costing and process consulting days – before anyone was talking about Integrated Business Planning.  We came to Anaplan almost 4 years ago because it was a tool that finally allowed us to deliver on the practices that we’ve been gathering, synthesizing, and promoting.  So unlike other firms, we put business methods first and then software as the enabler.  Our team reflects this strategy – experienced practitioners who have become highly proficient in the use of Anaplan as an enabling technology for the processes where we have business expertise.


Second, ideas make us tick.  So we put a large emphasis on defining some innovative practices and use cases that we’ve been able to deliver through Anaplan.  There are 6 of them highlighted now, and we plan on adding more examples over time.  We’ll continue to build out case studies and demo content.

Third, we want this website to be the start of a more intimate dialog with our visitors – customers, information seekers, practitioners, educators, students and professionals. We want to hear from you – whether it’s to respond to or comment on a blog, or to chat with us live using that little button at the bottom right (yes, we can do that!), or to provide an opportunity for an hour together where we can discuss problems and solutions for your organization.  Only through conversation do we all get stronger and discover new ideas and solutions.

Now the ball’s in your court.  Please tell us (comment below) what you like about the site or would like changed.  What should we add?

Our best wishes for the holiday season and a successful 2017!

Mitch and Rob
December 2016